We've all noticed them from time to time - those intersections that say something other than just where you are. Two street names that, when paired, mean more than just two streets coming together. Well, some of us had too much free time, so we decided to collect them.
You will find here actual photographs of street intersections that
caught our eye for some reason. Funny, odd, thoughtful, just about
anything offbeat can put our simple minds into a happy state. You
will see intersections of streets such as:
STRAIT and CROOKED (We don't get too uptight about spelling)
We believe that these images show an interesting slice of culture. Many of these signs were probably not intended to be perceived as interesting or odd, but just happened to turn out that way. Others could only have been the result of a conscious decision on someone's part. Who says that civil engineers and city planners have no sense of humor? And for some of these, how do they get away with it?
Please note that these images are copyrighted, by those who took the pictures. You are free to use them for personal viewing, but you must obtain permission to republish them on another web page, or in any printed or other electronic format. If you will just ask, we will usually grant such permission so long as the original source is attributed.
This site is just getting started. We have identified dozens of intersections that we intend to include from around the country, and there are certainly many more. If you know of an intersection that we might want to include, or even better have a digital image you are willing to share, please contact us and let us know.