Contact Us

Please let us know what you think of this site. Suggestions, comments, complaints, and accolades are all welcome. (Some more welcome than others!) Send us an e-mail at Comments.

Help us grow our collection!

We are always on the lookout for additional images to include on the site. There are a large number of intersections that we already know about, but as yet have no images. Also, you may know of an interesting intersection that you would like included here. If you have something you would like us to look at, or want to see if we are looking for something near you, please let us know at Submissions.

We prefer digital images similar to those already on the site. Preferred format is JPEG, minimum image size of 800x600 or better. (Typical raw digital camera images are perfect. We maintain the higher quality images in our files, even though they are too large to display well on line, so contact us if you want a copy of a higher quality image.)

We will verify authorship and the intersection before publishing an image, and reserve all rights to select images for inclusion. Please only submit images that you created, or where you can put us in touch with the author. In these days of militant copyright enforcement, we don't want to publish images without permission, unless they are in the public domain.

Generally, we will attribute submitted photos unless you request us not to. We will retain information gathered about submissions in case any questions arise about authorship or authenticity of any images.